Order confirm (MOJO Restobar)


  • 1. Confirm order
  • 2. Terms of delivery and payment
  • 3. Confirmation
{{ order.restaurant_name }}  

My order

{{ user.name }}

In your order has no dishes. You can choose other dishes. Or choose an another restaurant. In your order has no dishes. You can choose other dishes from {{ order.restaurant_name }} . Or choose an another restaurant.
Order has no dishes.

Total :0 lei

In your order has no dishes. You can choose other dishes. Or choose an another restaurant. In your order has no dishes. You can choose other dishes from {{ order.restaurant_name }} . Or choose an another restaurant.
Order has no dishes.
  • view additives
    {{ node.count }}


— {{ errors_text.name_error }}
— {{ errors_text.phone_error }}
— {{ errors_text.mail_error }}

You are free to pick your order from a selected restaurant

Delivery cost
— {{ errors_text.address_error }}
— {{ errors_text.house_error }}
— {{ errors_text.room_entrance_error }}
— {{ errors_text.floor_error }}
— {{ errors_text.apartment_error }}
— {{ errors_text.intercom_code_error }}
Only registered user can pay online
Specify the time and date of delivery

We will deliver your order as quickly as possible. At peak hours and holidays, may increase delivery time.

{{ order.day_choosed.text }}
{{ order.hour_choosed.text }}
{{ order.min_choosed.text }}
— {{ errors_text.hours_error }}
Add comment to the order
— {{ errors_text.comment_error }}
User agreement
— {{ errors_text.agreement_error }}
In cart {{ group.countText }}
  • {{ user.name }} you {{ user.statusReadable }} creator

    {{ user.total | amount }} lei
Order sum {{ group.total | amount }} lei
Order sum {{ group.full_total | amount }}lei
discount {{ order.promoCode.percent | number }}% {{ group.total | amount }} lei
Delivery {{ group.delivery | amount }} lei
Enter the promo code (if available)
{{ order.promoCode.message }}
Total to pay {{ group.total + group.delivery | amount }}  lei

To get a discount of {{ n.discount | number:2 }} lei for delivery is not enough {{ n.left | amount }} lei

To get a discount of {{ n.discount | number:2 }} lei for delivery is not enough {{ n.left | amount }} lei

Discounts on shipping don't apply to Drink Shop goods!!!
Confirm order Confirm order Confirm your order
Edit your order
Pay order Finish order
({{ order.additivesNode.weight }} {{ order.additivesNode.measure }}{{ order.additivesNode.delimiter }}{{ order.additivesNode.pieces }})
{{ order.additivesNode.title }}

{{ order.additivesNode.description_desktop }}

{{ order.additivesNode.price | amount }} lei
  • {{ key+1 }}
{{ category.title }}
{{ category.max_amount_description }}
{{ category.mandatory_amount_description }}